Well, I guess that title is a little misleading. I actually plan to vote in October during early voting. I mean I love the idea of voting on election day, but school is out that day. If I take my four kids with me into that booth I may end up voting for LeBron James, Spiderman or Dora the Explorer by write-in on accident. Thank you Jesus for early voting.
But now on to the seriousness of this blogpost. I'm gonna pour out my heart and beliefs here on our current Presidential race so if that doesn't interest you please take my permission to avoid this post and go with God. But, if you are like me and have found yourself confused, frustrated and just saddened by our current political climate - read on for a dose of hope and optimism.
A week ago I was an undecided voter. I mean, don't get me wrong. I had decided that I couldn't vote for either of the main candidates in this election. What I hadn't decided was who I would write-in when I walked into that booth. I didn't want to take my right to vote for granted. I know a lot of people gave their all to give me that right. It's a right I don't dismiss or take lightly. It's a right that many people in this world dream of having. So I wanted to vote in this race. But I was distraught because I didn't feel that any of my options lined up with my beliefs about how this country should be led. And I didn't feel that I could maintain my integrity and vote for either of the candidates that I am being told by most people are my only choices.
Enter Evan McMullin. I have to be honest. I had never heard of him before this week. But I was scrolling through something online and I saw an article about him running for President. So I clicked. What I read intrigued me so I went to his website and started reading. It was almost midnight and everyone else in the house was asleep. I knew I needed to go to bed, but I couldn't stop reading. As I read about his reasons for jumping into the race and read through his stances on all of the important issues I just got more and more excited. Finally there is a candidate that I can get behind! His plans and beliefs made sense. And he was congruent in his platforms. He appeared to be genuine and real in his concern for and love of our country. He has a background in mission work, CIA counter-terrorism and business. He believes that it's time for the old ways of Washington to end. And I just kept thinking "Where has this guy been?!" He entered late in the race because he was waiting for someone else who was better known to step into this hole in our election. But no one did - so he stepped up. When I listen to his interviews I hear character. And isn't that refreshing?!
You can do your own research about his platforms, but I will share a couple things things that meant a lot to me as a voter. He believes in the sanctity of life, and he seems to get that it includes ALL life. The sanctity of life of course applies to the unborn, and we need to protect them. However, it also applies to religious minorities, refugees, immigrants, black lives, blue lives, people in poverty, homosexuals, and criminals. If we truly believe in the sanctity of life we believe it is God's business to decide when it starts and ends and our business to protect it in the meantime. Is this complicated? Absolutely. And then not really at the same time. As McMullin says on his site, "Our respect for life is the most important measure of our humanity. From conception to death - and any time in between - life is precious and we have a responsibility to protect it." Amen to that! I loved his stance on refugees. He is all for secure borders and appropriate processes. He worked for the CIA after all. But when asked about the refugee situation in an interview he basically said that if you want to come to this country as a terrorist coming in as a refugee is the hardest way to do that. Coming in on a Visa is much easier. He explained that the hysteria and misconceptions about the refugee situation are dangerous and wrong. I'm paraphrasing here, but you can watch his interviews and read up on his website. He has great plans and ideas on the issues. Please read up on him if you haven't already. This is a leader we can get behind.
So now I will address the popular stance that voting for a third party candidate is a wasted vote. I have heard this MANY times. And I'm sorry, but I just don't believe it. Do I understand the reasoning behind this line of thinking? Yes. I get it. We can't have what we really want so we will settle for what we hate less. We can't have good so we will choose the lesser of two evils. Well, as Evan McMullin quoted in one of his videos - "A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil." When did our votes become so cheap that we will sell them to the system and the media? When did we become so timid in what we actually think is right that we will ignore our own conscience and do what everyone is saying we must in order for our vote to count? This is exactly how we have gotten to this sad point in our country where we have two terrifying and disqualified people on the largest stage in the world acting like little children. People have chosen to vote out of fear or defensively instead of offensively and out of character and conviction. We have bought into the view that "it is what it is" and "there's nothing we can do". I say that's garbage. We have a chance to put on a ballot what we want for this country. Do you want either of the people who have the stage to lead us? Do you know a single effective leader who is morally bankrupt? As our governor in Tennessee said when he asked Trump to step aside last week, "I want to emphasize that character in our leaders does matter. None of us in elected office are perfect, but the decisions that are made in the Oval Office have too many consequences to ignore the behavior we have seen." We have a chance to stand for something, and I for one am going to stand for what is true and good and right.
"But the Supreme Court!" I know. I get it. It's the only thing that made me for one second consider voting for Trump. But let me ask you this: How can we expect the Supreme Court to uphold our values if we won't even hold them up ourselves in this election?! And beyond that I have little faith that a Trump presidency will deliver anything it offers. It only takes a little research to know that neither of our candidates are truthful and steady on their stances. So I won't vote because I'm afraid about the court. I will vote because I believe that there is better for our country. God calls me to holiness and personal integrity, and I will do my best to honor that. I am responsible for my own actions. I am responsible for what I submit when I walk into that booth. And it isn't going to be what anyone else tells me I have to submit. There are a lot of people in this world that I love and respect that don't agree with me here, but I don't answer to them. I answer to God in Heaven who has made it clear in my Spirit that I cannot hitch my wagon to Trump or Hillary and maintain my integrity. So I will vote accordingly. And if you disagree with me wholeheartedly, guess what? I still love you and invite you to eat at my table. I will treat you with dignity and respect and like the God-creation that you are. Why? Because that's what I believe. And if my beliefs don't carry over to all areas of my life then my beliefs aren't really my beliefs.
Am I a dreamer? Yep. Am I an idealist? Yep. Am I an optimist? Yep. Am I crazy to think that taking a stand in my own little way in my own little booth will make a difference in this world? Maybe I am. But, if I am then I wish there was a lot more crazy in this country. When I leave this world someday I want to be remembered as a dreamer, an idealist, an optimist who never let this dark world beat that out of me. I seem to remember many such people from the Bible. I don't want to be another person who does what everyone says they have to do in order to get what they want. I want to be one among many who are standing up and refusing to believe that is my only option. There is so much better to expect, to aspire to, to pray for, and to believe. It starts with me. It starts with you. Refuse to compromise. Our nation is so much better than we are giving it credit for.
I love this! It is like you've spoken my heart. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI'm standing with you! And with Evan too! Thank you for sharing your thoughts :)
ReplyDeleteYou are giving voice to my thoughts :) TK!!
ReplyDeleteYou wrote so eloquently just what I have been thinking as well. I hope all of us thinking like this act on it to vote for Evan. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you. You do speak for me and my conscience.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post! Thank you for sharing. I also stand with Evan!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteI'm voting for Evan too!
ReplyDeleteI love it. I donated money and ordered yard signs and bumper stickers a few days ago!
ReplyDeleteI think his biggest obstacle is Name ID. When people know about him, they'll vote for him!
Upstarts Evan and Mindy represent a new courageous conservative leadership. They give conservatives a safe and honorable landing spot where we can vote our conscience and still help down ballot Republican presidents.
ReplyDeleteThank you a million for communicating the truth so clearly and winsomely!
ReplyDeleteGo Evan and Mindy!
Thank you a million for communicating the truth so clearly and winsomely!
ReplyDeleteGo Evan and Mindy!
Thank you for voicing that which I have been thinking of penning myself. Alisha Marie, oregon
ReplyDeleteAmen! Amen! Amen! Thank so much for putting into words what so many of us feel....
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Very well put and detailed! Thank you for doing your part to spread the word about Evan McMullin!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Very well put and detailed! Thank you for doing your part to spread the word about Evan McMullin!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your post. It's so refreshing to hear there are so many people that care, are not brainwashed by the media, and still believe in a God who loves his children. I've been feeling the same way about this election, I know I need to vote, but couldn't figure out who to write in. I kept praying a and then I started reading about Evan McMullin . Until last week I go didn't know who that would be.
ReplyDeleteRight there with you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your eloquent words. I whole heartily agree. He is my candidate of choice.
ReplyDeleteNail. On. The. Head.
ReplyDeleteThank you! You said exactly what I've been thinking, feeling, lamenting, and rejoicing over.
Nail. On. The. Head.
ReplyDeleteThank you! You said exactly what I've been thinking, feeling, lamenting, and rejoicing over.
This was beautifully written. I think we all have had our "McMullin Aha!" moment. When at first perhaps we saw his name/face in social media posts, and brushed him off as a long shot, and then actually got to know him (I too was glued to his interviews! So good and thoughtful, respectful, and wise!), and am so grateful I gave him just a little time of day. America, just listen to this guy, he has started up an independent movement, and one to be proud of that will not back down!!! His views and voice are so refreshing. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Tara for putting into words what so many of us are feeling! Here's a link to him on PBS last night: http://video.klru.tv/video/2365859557/
ReplyDeleteI totally get where you are coming from. Totally. But, I now see our choice in a different way. As a Christian, I feel like I HAVE to pick the platform, to try to ensure good government, like he instructs, and then trust God to use Trump in a mighty way, like he did so many times with unlikely people in the Bible. Here is an excellent article that I hope you read to the end. https://grandstandnews.com/2016/10/10/eating-honey-and-pulling-down-pillars/
ReplyDeleteI don't know you but I saw this linked on facebook. I love how you've expressed yourself here! Thank you SO much for taking the time to share your thoughts. I am also a huge fan of McMullin and feel so good about the decision to support him.
ReplyDeleteTara, thank you so much for writing this. I will definitely do my homework on this candidate. My thoughts are EXACTLY the same as to why I cannot vote for Hillary or Trump. I just can't. Thank you for sharing this.